This works for those of you that use Mozilla Firefox as your browser.
1. GreaseMonkey
This is required for any scripts to work on your browser, without it, they're just a waste.
(Scroll down and find version 0.9.20 I do not recommend Beta!)
2. Tower Alert V10 by Tiestoale
3. KoC Power Tools (New, Official Release)
4. Throne Room Organizer
5. KoC Power Bot (New, Official Release)
Okay, DO NOT use the throne tab in bot, just use the separate Throne Tab. Adjust your options, adding in auto refresh as the very LAST thing you do, because it will get annoying while adjusting your bot. Make sure to have auto transpt set up, auto train, cresting (of course) And make sure, in your bot, that the tower is turned off.
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